The top 10 characteristics of the C programming language


2 min read

Features of C language:

  1. High-level language: The syntax is similar to English, making it easy to understand, write, and maintain instructions.

  2. Easy to learn:There are just 32 keywords in the C programming language.

  3. Core Language: The majority of programming languages, such as C++ and Java, are developed on top of C.

  4. Portable: It can run on any system that supports C without requiring any changes to the code. It isn't reliant on any hardware or software. Assembly languages (such as DOS) are, for example, tied to a particular computer architecture and must be completely re-written to run on another.

  5. Built-in operators and functions: It comes with a huge number of operators that let you do mathematical and logical operations. Built-in functions such as printf() and scanf() are already defined in header files allowing you to use certain methods like calculating the square root or producing a random integer without having to write its logic.

  6. Structured and modular programming language: uses a top-down approach and allows for the code to be split down into smaller parts (known as functions) which can be re-used over the program.

  7. Extensible: You have the ability to develop your own functions that other people can use.

  8. They are faster to compile and execute than most programming languages since they are directly converted to machine code and passed to the processor.

  9. Dynamic memory allocation: offers you methods like malloc(), calloc(), and realloc() can be used to allocate and release memory at runtime using free(). This allows you to free up memory, allowing the software to operate faster. It's also worth noting that Memory can be assigned during runtime.

  10. Embedded systems: Because the C programming language is hardware-centric, most electronic gadgets utilise it because it is memory-friendly and runs quickly.

  11. Case sensitive: the letters a and A are not the same.

This is my first post on C, and I'm writing notes as I learn. So, I'd like feedback since it helps me write more efficiently, and if there are any recommendations or errors, I'd much appreciate your response.